Montag, 1. Oktober 2007
22.09. (The King)
I saw him, the KING, the king of snakes.
I came early after the lunch break and was walking around to visit some of my favorite monkeys, so my view was fixed on the cages and not on the path.

But when I heard a noise in front of me I looked and saw a big king cobras making it's way into the bushes, just a few meters ahead of me.
Damn,I was pretty shocked, especially because it was arm thick and at least 3m long. If one of these bites all you can do is go to office and call all your friends to say goodbye, because you won't survive the two hours drive to Hanoi, which is the only place where you can get an antidote.

So for some time I was still up the next tree, when someone even mentioned the word snake. But now I have calmed again, especially when Tilo told me, that king cobra, despite of their size, really like to sit in trees ;)

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